PHIL 101 (Introduction to Philosophy: Values and Society)
PHIL 102 (Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality)
PHIL 1002 (Introduction to Ethics)
PHIL 1003 (Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality)
PHIL 2016 (African Philosophy)
PHIL 270 (Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy)
PHIL 217 (Biology, Society, and Values) with a Community Learning Service component
PHIL 2009 (Social and Political Philosophy)
PHIL 250 (Ethics)
PHIL 3001 (Epistemology and Metaphysics)
PHIL 3002 (Ethics)
PHIL 3006 (Select Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy of Law)
PHIL 342 (17th and 18th Century Philosophy)
PHIL 345 (Humans and Animals)
PHIL 350 (Ethics)
PHIL 355: Environment Ethics
PHIL 386 (Philosophy and Healthcare)
PHIL 355 (Philosophy of the Environment)
PHIL 486: African Philosophy (Directed Reading Course)
PHIL 4022/7024 (Social and Political Philosophy)
PHIL 5042-7027 (Morality and the Marketplace)
PHIL 4024-7042 (African Philosophy)
PHIL 5041/7026 (Social Justice)
I have also taught, as tutor or teaching assistant, courses in African Socio-political Philosophy; Critical Thinking; Formal Logic; Symbolic Logic; Philosophy of Law; Scientific Methodology.